- Béziers
- 477, 479.
- Bhadrabahu
- 129.
- Bhagavadgita, Song of the Lord
- 129.
- Bhaja
- 129.
- bhakti, devotionalism
- 335.
- Bhanugupta, ruler of India
- 324.
- Bharatchandra, Bengali poet
- 835.
- Bharatiya Janata Party, BJP
- 2644, 3979. See Hindu Nationalist Party.
- Bharhut
- 129, 130, 132.
- Bhaskara, Indian mathematician
- 131.
- Bhatinda
- 325.
- Bhatnair
- 334.
- Bhavabhuti, dramatist
- 324.
- Bhimadeva I, ruler of India
- 331.
- Bhindrawale, Jarnail Singh, Indian leader
- 3977.
- Bhoja, ruler of India
- 325.
- Bhojpuri
- 3982.
- Bhopal, India
- 2680, 3977.
- BHP Company, Australia
- 2537.
- Bhumaka, Saka satrap
- 132, 132.
- Bhutto, Benazir, Pakistani leader
- 4010, 4010, 4011, 4011, 4012, 4012, 4012, 4014, 4014.
- Bhutto, Zulfikar Ali, Pakistani leader
- 3972, 3997, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4007, 4007, 4008, 4008, 4010.
- Biafra
- 875, 2636, 2667, 4320, 4320, 4368, 4368.
- Bialik, Haim Nahman, poet
- 2391.
- Bialystok
- 2593.
- Bianchi, Michele, Italian Fascist leader
- 1945.
- Bianjing
- 371.
- Bianliang
- 371.
- Biarritz
- 1101.
- Bias Bay, Japanese landing at
- 2480.
- Bibi Titi binti Mohamed, Tanganyikan leader
- 4409.
- Bible
- 104, 104, 105, 127, 268, 403, 406, 446, 469, 513, 542, 580, 586, 587, 609, 609, 614, 615, 636, 690, 754, 761, 766, 800, 933, 1068, 1299, 1415, 1514, 1522; Latin translation, 401; King James version, 590; translated by Luther, 613.
- Bichat, Marie-François, anatomist
- 1041.
- Bicocca, battle of
- 607.
- bicycles
- 989.
- Bidar
- 333, 334, 334, 334.
- Bidassoa River
- 604.
- Bidault, Georges, French leader
- 2838, 2840, 2843, 2844.
- Biddle, Francis, U.S. leader
- 2212.
- Biddle, James, U.S. naval commander
- 1438.
- Bielecki, Jan Krzysztof, Polish leader
- 3112.
- Bierut, Boleslaw, Polish leader
- 3091, 3095, 3096.
- Bigelow, Erastus B., inventor
- 985.
- Bigge, John T., British official
- 1488.
- Bight of Benin
- 359.
- Bigi, Federico, Italian leader
- 2934.
- Bignone, Reynaldo Benito Antonio, Argentine leader
- 3494.
- Big Ten
- 1784.
- Bihar
- 129, 324, 331, 578, 831, 835, 836, 3973, 3982.
- Bihbahani, Vahid, religious scholar
- 817.
- Bihishti, Muhammad Husayni, Iranian leader
- 3822.
- Bihzad, Timurid painter
- 308, 812.
- Bijapur
- 334, 830, 831, 831, 833, 833, 833, 834.
- Bijaya
- 322.
- Bijedich, Dzemal, Yugoslavian leader
- 3173.
- Biketawa Declaration
- 4287.
- Bikini Atoll
- 3390, 4283, 4283.
- Biko, Steven, South African leader
- 2674, 4477, 4479.
- Bilad al-Sudan
- 880.
- Bilbao
- 1920, 1930, 1930.
- Bilbao, Francisco, Latin American leader
- 1662.
- Bildt, Carl, Swedish leader
- 3066, 3067.
- Bilhana of Kashmir, poet
- 336.
- Billinghurst, Guillermo, Peruvian leader
- 2258.
- Bill of Rights, England
- 678, 678, 679, 934.
- Bill of Rights, U.S.
- 1564.
- Biloxi
- 922.
- Biltmore Declaration
- 2394.
- Bimbia
- 1538.
- Bimbisara, king of Magadha
- 129.
- Binaisa, Godfrey, Ugandan leader
- 4429.
- Binche
- 653.
- Binchois, Gilles, musician
- 524.
- Bin Diyaf
- See Ahmad ibn Abi Diyaf, historian.
- Bingyang, battle of
- 1420.
- Bing Xuyen, Vietnam
- 4257.
- bin Laden, Osama, terrorist
- 2697, 3437, 3785, 3786, 3835, 3836, 3837, 3895, 4391, 4406, 4410, 4418, 4427.
- Bio, Julius Maada, Sierra Leonean leader
- 4382.
- biochemistry
- 1043.
- Bioko Islands
- 4338.
- biology
- 1043, 1731, 1731, 1731, 1731, 1731, 1731, 1731, 2675; artificial insemination, 1735; cloning, 2693, 2800; test-tube baby, 2704; human genome, 2705.
- Biqa
- 1335, 2379.
- Birch, J. W. W., British resident in Malaya
- 1411.
- Birdseye, Clarence, pioneer in food processing
- 1735.
- Bir-el-Gobi
- 2614.
- Bireux, Eugène, playwright
- 1903.
- Birge, Pyrgion
- 306.
- Birger, king of Sweden
- 463.
- Birger, Jarl
- See Jarl Birger ~Magnusson, Swedish leader.
- Biringuccio, Vannocio, metallurgist
- 637, 643.
- Birlik (Unity) Movement
- 3388, 3389.
- Birmingham, England
- 686, 1159, 1162, 2797, 2812, 3408.
- Birmingham Movement
- 3408.
- Birmingham Political Union
- 1048.
- Birney, James G., U.S. leader
- 1577.
- Biro, George, inventor
- 1734.
- Biro, Ladislao J., inventor
- 1734.
- Biró, Zoltán, Hungarian leader
- 3157.
- Birrell's Land Act, England
- 1170.
- birth control
- 1142. See sexuality and reproduction.
- Biru
- See Peru.
- Bir Zelten, Libya
- 3947.
- Bisa people
- 889, 1529.
- Bisbee
- 2188.
- Bishapur
- 272.
- Khuri, Bishara al-, Lebanese leader
- 2383, 2383, 3845, 3845.
- Bishop, Maurice, Grenadian leader
- 3762, 3764.
- Bishop, W. A., British pilot
- 1766.
- bishops of Rome
- 80, 80.
- Bishops' Wars
- 591.
- Bismarck, German ship
- 2606.
- Bismarck, Otto von, Prussian leader
- 955, 962, 963, 964, 1100, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1105, 1106, 1106, 1107, 1108, 1109, 1110, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1114, 1116, 1116, 1185, 1188, 1188, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1234, 1234, 1234, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1235, 1268, 1316.
- Bismarck Archipelago
- 27, 52, 1477, 1768, 2530.
- Bissau
- 4351, 4351.
- Bissell, Melville Reuben, inventor
- 985.
- Bissing, Moritz von, German commander
- 1738.
- Bit Adini, Til Barsip
- 106, 106.
- Bit Argusi, Arpad
- 106, 106.
- Bithynia
- 214, 237, 240, 240, 245, 253, 261, 309, 502, 508, 508, 508, 508, 565.
- Bitlis
- 1331.
- Bito dynasty
- 362, 883.
- Bitola
- 1326.
- Bitolje
- See Monastir (Bitolje).
- Biton Kulubali, Bambara leader
- 870.
- Bittideva, ruler of India
- 337.
- Bituminous Coal Commission, U.S.
- 2205, 2206.
- Bituminous Coal Stabilization Act, U.S.
- 2206.
- Biya, Paul, Cameroonian leader
- 4332, 4332, 4332.
- Biyak-na-bato Pact
- 1481.
- Bi Yuan, Chinese historian
- 854.
- Bizerte
- 828, 1932, 2426, 2615, 3942.
- Bizerte Issue
- 3943.
- Bizimungu, Rwanda leader
- 4425.
- Bizonia
- 2985.
- Bjarnason, Clemens, of Iceland
- 774.
- Björkö treaty
- 1129, 1129.
- Bjorn, king of Sweden
- 426.
- Björnson, Sveinn, Icelandic leader
- 2061.
- Black and Tans
- 1862.
- Black Berets, OMON
- 3346.
- Black Codes, U.S.
- 1592.
- Black Death
- See bubonic plague; disease.
- Black Flags, guerrillas in Tonkin
- 1474.
- Black Friars
- See Dominicans.
- Black Friday, Great Britain
- 1841.
- Black Hand, Serbia
- 1140, 1140.
- Black Hawk, American Indian leader
- 1575.
- Blackheath, battle of
- 585.
- Black Hills, South Dakota
- 1597.
- Black Hole of Calcutta
- 835.
- Black Hundreds, punitive raids in Russia
- 1263.
- Black Legend
- 894, 914.
- Black Line, Tasmania
- 1488.
- Blackmun, Harry A., U.S. jurist
- 3419.
- Black Muslims
- 3411.
- Black Pagoda, Konarak
- 337.
- Black Panthers, U.S.
- 2644, 3413, 3417, 3418.
- Black Prince
- See Edward the Black Prince, prince of Wales.
- Blacks, German liberal society
- 584, 1071.
- Black Saturday Riots, Egypt
- 3904.
- Black Sea
- 111, 112, 116, 119, 124, 176, 176, 198, 257, 309, 314, 315, 402, 430, 438, 441, 473, 473, 473, 473, 488, 538, 550, 557, 564, 568, 784, 787, 791, 805, 806, 811, 869, 962, 1045, 1100, 1114, 1114, 1139, 1258, 1259, 1260, 1272, 1334, 1334, 1339, 1343, 1748, 2067, 2321, 2593, 2597, 3382.
- Black Shirts
- 1704.
- Blackstone, William, English jurist
- 645.
- Black War, Tasmania
- 1488.
- Blagoveshchensk
- 1424.
- Blaine, James G., U.S. leader
- 1595, 1602, 1603.
- Blair, Tony, British leader
- 2758, 2800, 2800, 2802, 2803, 2815.
- Blais, Marie-Claire, writer
- 3448.
- Blake, Robert, English commander
- 648.
- Blanc, Louis, French socialist
- 1035, 1061, 1081, 1081, 1081.
- Blanche of Castile, regent of France
- 451.
- Blanco, Hugo, Peruvian Indian leader
- 3552.
- Blanco Party, Uruguay
- 1667, 2252, 2252.
- Blancos
- 3528.
- Bland-Allison Act, U.S.
- 1599.
- Blanqui, Auguste, French leader
- 1188.
- Blantyre
- 1547, 1547, 1547, 1548.
- Blatch, Harriet Stanton, U.S. leader
- 2187.
- Blaxland, Gregory, English explorer
- 1488.
- Bled
- 1835.
- Bleeding Kansas
- 1583.
- Blekinge
- 552, 761.
- Blemmyes
- 99, 99.
- Blériot, Louis, aviation pioneer
- 991.
- Bligh, William, British commander
- 866, 1487, 1487.
- Bliss, Tasker Howard, U.S. general
- 1780.
- Blitz, Gerard, founder of Club Med
- 2702.
- Blitzkrieg, World War II
- 2582, 2587.
- Bloc Démocratique Sénégalais
- 4322.
- Bloch, Marc, historian
- 1815.
- Block, Adrian, Dutch explorer
- 932, 932.
- Bloc National, France
- 1901.
- Bloemfontein
- 2578, 2579.
- Bloemfontein Convention
- 1552.
- Blois
- 599, 599.
- Blomberg, Werner von, German leader
- 1986.
- Blommaert, Samuel, Dutch colonizer
- 932.
- Blondel, François, architect
- 643.
- blood libel, against the Jews
- 1332, 1332.
- Blood River, battle of
- 1551.
- Bloody Mary
- See Mary I (the Catholic), queen of England.
- Bloody Sunday, St. Petersburg
- 1263.
- Bloody Week, Paris
- 1188.
- Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, prince of Wahlstaff
- 1033, 1033.
- Blue Mosque, mosque of Ahmed I
- 800.
- Blue Nile
- 96, 879.
- Blue Shirts, China
- 2475.
- Blue Shirts, Egypt
- 2364.
- Blum, Léon, French leader
- 1901, 1902, 1912, 1913, 1913, 1914, 1914, 2423, 2840, 2841.
- Blum-Viollette Bill
- 2423.
- Bluteau, Rafael, Portuguese scholar
- 728.
- Blyden, Edward, Liberian leader
- 1515.
- Blyukher, Vasili, Galen
- 2468.
- 1736.
- Board of Admiralty, China
- 1420.
- Board of Commerce and Money, Spain
- 719.
- Board of Economic Warfare, U.S.
- 2214, 2608.
- Board of Indian Commissioners, U.S.
- 1594.
- Board of Trade, England
- 938.
- Bobadilla, Francisco de, Spanish colonial administrator
- 572, 909.
- Bobbio
- 425.
- Bobrikov, Nicholas, Russian governor-general of Finland
- 1254, 1255, 1255.
- Bocage, Manuel, Portuguese writer
- 727.
- Boccaccio, Giovanni, writer
- 525, 534.
- Bochchoris
- See Bakenref, king of Egypt.
- Bock, Jerome, botanist
- 637.
- Bocskay, Stephen, prince of Transylvania
- 635.
- Bodawpaya, king of Burma
- 1402.
- Bodenstein, Andreas, German religion reformer
- 613.
- Bodhidarma, Buddhist monk
- 158.
- Bodin, king of Serbia
- 494.
- Bodin, Jean, French philosopher
- 584, 599.
- Bodmer, Johannes J., Swiss scholar
- 749.
- Body of Liberties, Massachusetts Bay Colony
- 933.
- Boeing Company
- 2704.
- Boelcke, Oswald, German pilot
- 1765.
- Boeotia
- 168, 171, 183, 187, 189, 192, 193, 196, 197, 197, 199, 202, 203, 210.
- Boeotian League
- 180, 182, 183, 192, 193, 200, 201.
- Boers
- 970, 973, 1162, 1237, 1549, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1551, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1554, 1555, 1558; and South African War, 1558.
- Boer War
- See South African War.
- Boethius, Anicius Manlius Severinus, philosopher
- 268, 406, 422, 513.
- Boettcher, Herbert, Lithuanian leader
- 2091.
- Boeyants, Vanden, Belgian leader
- 2822.
- Boff, Leonardo, priest
- 2963.
- Bogardus, James, construction engineer
- 984.
- Bo
aziçi University
- 1335.
- Bogdo Gegen, the Living Buddha
- 2487, 2487.
- Boghazköy
- 113.
- Bogoliubski, Andrei, prince of Suzdal
- 489.
- Bogomils
- 441, 494, 496, 501, 562.
- Bogotá
- 913, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1672, 1672, 1674, 3466, 3473, 3575, 3585, 3588, 3593.
- Bogotá plateau
- 897, 897.
- Bográn, Luis, Latin American leader
- 1686.
- Bohai
- 378.
- Bohemia
- 279, 417, 434, 454, 455, 459, 459, 483, 483, 483, 486, 486, 486, 513, 530, 540, 540, 540, 541, 541, 541, 541, 541, 541, 541, 541, 542, 542, 542, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 545, 555, 555, 555, 556, 560, 560, 560, 560, 561, 561, 613, 616, 616, 616, 617, 617, 617, 617, 617, 617, 618, 620, 620, 620, 622, 624, 634, 634, 634, 634, 634, 634, 635, 660, 660, 662, 662, 758, 759, 1026, 1073, 1073, 1087, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1090, 1090, 1102, 1242, 1243, 1244, 2013, 2021, 2021, 2021; occupation by Germany, 1992.
- Bohemia-Moravia
- 3129.
- Bohemian Brotherhood
- 545, 634.
- Bohemian Mark
- 411.
- Bohemund of Otranto, Crusader
- 500, 501, 501, 505, 505, 505.
- Böhme, Jakob, German mystic
- 624.
- Bohr, Niels, physicist
- 1150.
- Bohuslän
- 761, 768.
- Boii
- 228, 233.
- Bois-Reymond, Emil du, physiologist
- 1043.
- Bo Juyi, writer
- 370.
- Bokassa, Jean-Bedel, Central African Republic leader
- 2867, 4333, 4333, 4333, 4333, 4333, 4334, 4335, 4335.
- Bokhara
- 1259.
- Boland, Frederick H., UN leader
- 2808.
- Boleslav I, duke of Bohemia
- 483, 483.
- Boleslav I Chrobry, the Brave
- 417, 456, 483, 486, 486.
- Boleslav II, duke of Bohemia
- 416, 483.
- Boleslav II, the Bold
- 486, 486.
- Boleslav III, Wry-mouth
- 486, 486.
- Boleslav IV, king of Poland
- 486.
- Boleslav V, king of Poland
- 487.
- Boleyn, Anne, wife of Henry VIII
- 585, 586, 586, 586, 586.
- Bolger, Jim, New Zealand leader
- 4317, 4317, 4317.
- Bolívar, republic of
- 1649.
- Bolívar, Simón, Latin American leader
- 1649, 1649, 1649, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1650, 1651, 1651, 1652, 1652, 1668, 1668, 1670, 1670, 1672, 1675.
- Bolivia
- 570, 1649, 1663, 1664, 1666, 1668, 1670, 1670, 1670, 1677, 1717, 1721, 1738, 2246, 2248, 2248, 2248, 2248, 2254, 2254, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2257, 2271, 3467, 3472, 3473, 3476, 3477, 3520, 3536, 3538, 3538, 3548, 3549, 3549, 3550, 3550, 3551, 3551, 3579, 3585, 3720; independence of, 1649; WWI, 1770, 2254; between Wars, 2254, 2254, 2255, 2255, 2255; tin industry, 2255; and U.S., 3536, 3538, 3538, 3538, 3540, 3541, 3543, 3547, 3547; Bolivian Revolution, 3538; and Russia, 3543; cocaine, 3545, 3547.
- Bolivian Revolutionary Front
- 3540.
- Bologna
- 443, 469, 614, 746, 746, 1014, 1092, 1941, 1945, 1960, 2933, 2944.
- Bolo Pasha, German agent in France
- 1901.
- Bolsheviks, Russian extremists
- 1262, 1703, 1703, 1752, 1756, 1756, 1772, 1774, 1784, 1787, 1788, 1817, 1817, 2053, 2053, 2064, 2064, 2064, 2064, 2064, 2065, 2065, 2065, 2066, 2066, 2066, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2067, 2084, 2085, 2085, 2086, 2087, 2096, 2097, 2098, 2102, 2103, 2114, 2115, 2160, 2335, 2463, 2490, 2593.
- Boltzmann, Ludwig, physicist
- 1148.
- Bólyai, János, mathematician
- 1039.
- Bolzano
- 2925, 3037.
- Bombay
- 129, 132, 327, 327, 328, 648, 834, 835, 836, 1351, 1367, 1394, 1396, 1396, 1397, 1399, 2437, 2444, 2447, 3951, 3985.
- Bombay Association
- 1396.
- Bombay Presidency Association
- 1398.
- Bomber Command
- 2550.
- Bombet, Emile, Ivory Coast leader
- 4354.
- Bonald, Louis Gabriel Ambroise de
- 1035.
- Bonaparte, Joseph, brother of Napoleon
- 726, 1024, 1027, 1028, 1643.
- Bonaparte, Joseph Charles, prince
- 1211.
- Bonaparte, Louis, brother of Napoleon
- 705, 1026.
- Bonaparte, Louis-Napoleon, French leader
- 1082, 1083, 1084, 1085, 1086.
- Bonaparte, Lucien, brother of Napoleon
- 1012.
- Bonaparte, Napoleon
- See Napoleon I.
- Bonaparte, Pierre
- 1185.