1877, Jan. 18 |
An assembly of notables in Constantinople rejected all demands of the powers, leading to the failure of the Constantinople conference, which closed on Jan. 20. | 1 |
Jan 15 |
January convention (Budapest convention) between Russia and Austria, was held to settle disputes as to the terms of the Reichstadt convention: Austria was to remain neutral in an eventual Russian-Ottoman war; Austria was to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina when it saw fit; Serbia, Montenegro, and Herzegovina were to form a neutral zone. An additional convention, signed on March 18 but antedated to Jan. 15, reaffirmed the terms of the Reichstadt convention with regard to the disposition of Ottoman territory; no large state, Slavic or otherwise, was to be erected in the Balkans. | 2 |
April 24 |
RUSSIA DECLARED WAR ON THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE, the government yielding to the pressure of the Pan-Slav circles (See 187578). | 3 |
July 26, Aug. 14 |
Loose and negative agreements were made between Britain and Austria, listing seven points to which they would not agree in the event of a Russian victory. The British cabinet had decided (July 21) to declare war on Russia if the latter occupied Constantinople and did not make arrangements for immediate retirement. The reverses of the Russians at Plevna (July 20 ff.) eased the situation. | 4 |
Dec. 10 |
Fall of Plevna, resumption of the Russian advance. | 5 |
Dec. 12 |
The Ottomans appealed to the powers for mediation. This was rejected by Bismarck. Disraeli was anxious to act, but his schemes were frustrated by members of his own cabinet (especially Derby). Andrássy contented himself with warning the Russians that Austria and the powers would demand a voice in the peace settlement. | 6 |