V. The Modern Period, 1789–1914 > G. Africa, 1795–1917 > 3. Regions > f. Southern Africa > 1. North of the Limpopo > 1890, June 27
  The Encyclopedia of World History.  2001.
1890, June 27
The BSAC signed a treaty of protection with Barotseland. The BSAC Pioneer Column established posts at Fort Tuli, Fort Victoria, Fort Charles, and Fort Salisbury. On Sept. 12, the British flag was raised.  1
First hospital was opened in Salisbury by the Dominicans.  2
First Anglican bishop of Mashonaland was named.  3
John Booth started the Baptist Zambezi Mission.  4
The Portuguese government chartered the Mozambique Company, financed largely by British capital, to develop the hinterland of Beira.  5
Pacification of Ngoni and Arab risings in the British Central Africa protectorate.  6
Ndebele rebellion against British South Africa Company. In Nov. 1893, the BSAC invaded and conquered Ndebele kingdom, forcing King Lobengula to flee.  7
Rapid development of Bulawayo.  8
Risings in Mozambique weakened Portuguese authority. King Gungunhana, chief of the Gaza, was deported to Lisbon.  9
A Ndebele uprising in Rhodesia was followed by a rebellion by the Shona, who proved much more difficult to pacify. The Shona called their resistance the Chimurenga.  10
1898, Jan
Anglo-Portuguese military operations against Yao chief Mataka.  11
Portuguese East African administration granted a labor-recruiting monopoly to the Witwatersrand Native Labour Association in return for a capitation fee. As a result, the state established authority over the hinterland and was able to profit from a labor migration that it could not prevent.  12
c. 1906
Beginning of the Watchtower (Kitawala) movement in Nyasaland.  13
1907, May
The government of Mozambique was reorganized.  14
Railway to Blantyre in the Shire Highlands opened the region to British colonization.  15
First tobacco factory was established in Nyasaland.  16
The Encyclopedia of World History, Sixth edition. Peter N. Stearns, general editor. Copyright © 2001 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Maps by Mary Reilly, copyright © 2001 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.