186077 |
James Clerk Maxwell (183179) and Ludwig Boltzmann (18441906) developed statistical mechanics, a theory of the behavior of a gas considered as a collection of large numbers of molecules obeying the laws of classical mechanics. | 1 |
1868 |
William Huggins (18241910), noting a slight shift toward the red in the spectrum of Sirius, calculated the radial velocity of a star for the first time. | 2 |
187083 |
Georg Cantor (18451918) published his major works, founding the theory of sets (1870) and the theory of transfinite numbers (1883). | 3 |
187282 |
Richard Dedekind (18311916) gave arithmetic definitions of irrational numbers (the Dedekind cut), constituting the first rigorous theory of irrationals. | 4 |
1873 |
Johannes van der Waals (18371923) found an equation of state for imperfect gases. | 5 |
1873 |
Maxwell published his Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism, in which he described the properties of the electromagnetic field in a series of equations (Maxwell equations) that entailed the electromagnetic theory of light. | 6 |
1877 |
Giovanni Schiaparelli (18351910) observed long, straight, narrow, intersecting, dark lines on Mars, which he called canali. | 7 |
187793 |
Francis Galton (18221911) and Karl Pearson (18571936) developed the major statistical tools of present-day social science, for example, regression (Galton, 1877), correlation coefficients (Galton, 1888), and moments and standard deviation (Pearson, 1893). | 8 |
1878 |
William Crookes (18321919) showed that cathode rays proceed in straight lines, are capable of turning a small wheel, can be deflected by a magnet, can excite fluorescence in certain substances, and can heat and sometimes even melt some metals. | 9 |
1884 |
Gottlob Frege (18481925) published Grundlagen der Arithmetik, in which arithmetical concepts were defined in logical terms. | 10 |
1887 |
Heinrich Hertz (185794) demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves in the space about a discharging Leyden jar, and found that electromagnetic waves were propagated with the velocity of light as Maxwell had predicted (1873). Hertz's work led to modern radio communications. | 11 |
1887 |
Albert Michelson (18521931) and Edward Morley (18381923) announced that they were unable to detect any effect of the earth's motion through the ether in experiments with an extremely sensitive interferometer. | 12 |