- Akmola
- 3337. See Astana.
- Ak

- 861.
- Akroinon, battle of
- 431, 501.
- Akron
- 1580.
- Akuffo, Frederick, Ghanaian leader
- 4344.
- Akwamu
- 873.
- Alabama
- 53, 1574, 1580, 1585, 3408, 3411, 3411, 3411, 3411, 3416.
- al-Abbas, Muhammad's uncle
- 291, 292.
- Alacaluf people
- 570.
- al-Adil Sayf al-Din, Ayyubid leader
- 319.
- Alagoas
- 915.
- Alai Darwaza style
- 332.
- Alalakh, Syria
- 113.
- Alamán, Lucas, Mexican leader
- 1687, 1687, 1687.
- Alamanni
- 255, 256, 257, 258, 258, 261, 262, 406, 407, 407, 415.
- al-Amin, bey of Tunisia
- 3940, 3942.
- Alamut
- 302, 304.
- Alans
- 258, 265, 269, 403, 403, 404.
- al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem
- 3774, 3871.
- Alara
- 99.
- al-Arabi al-Darqawi, religious leader
- 1375, 1381.
- Alarcón, Fabian, Ecuadorian leader
- 3572.
- Alarcón, Hernando de, Spanish explorer
- 903, 903.
- Alarcón, Juan Ruiz de, Spanish-American playwright
- 912.
- Alarcon, Ricardo, Cuban leader
- 3726.
- Alarcos, battle of
- 476.
- Alaric, Visigoth leader
- 265, 265, 265, 265, 403, 403, 403, 403, 403, 403.
- Alaric II, Visigoth king
- 260, 406.
- Alashehir
- 2321.
- Alashiya, Cyprus
- 113.
- al-Ashraf Barsbay, Mamluk leader
- 320.
- al-Ashraf Kansawh al-Ghawri, Mamluk leader
- 320.
- Alaska, U.S. state
- 18, 18, 28, 28, 28, 28, 33, 33, 954, 955, 2530, 2531, 2600, 3404, 3425; Russian settlements, 1256; purchase by U.S., 1259, 1593; boundary dispute, 1613, 1639; North Slope, 3417.
- Ala-ud-din, ruler of India
- 332, 332, 332.
- Alauddin Riayat Syah, sultan
- 837.
- Alaungpaya, king of Burma
- 846, 1402.
- Alawi dynasty
- 823, 824, 824, 1376, 2371, 3840, 3841, 3841, 3842, 3843; law codes, 3839.
- al-Azhar Mosque
- 317.
- al-Azhar University, Egypt
- 3910.
- Alba
- See Alva, Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, duke of, Spanish commander.
- Alba, Luis, Ecuadorian leader
- 2264.
- Alba Julia
- 1779, 2179.
- Albani, Gian Francesco
- See Clement XI, pope.
- Albania
- 310, 312, 312, 312, 313, 314, 315, 441, 497, 538, 538, 562, 562, 563, 563, 564, 565, 566, 803, 810, 1106, 1108, 1110, 1137, 1137, 1137, 1138, 1138, 1139, 1139, 1139, 1283, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1326, 1326, 1326, 1326, 1326, 1326, 1326, 1328, 1366, 1727, 1817, 1837, 1853, 1948, 1957, 2130, 2136, 2136, 2136, 2137, 2137, 2137, 2139, 2140, 2143, 2637, 2638, 2640, 2649, 2719, 2722, 2722, 2729, 2750, 3166, 3180, 3181, 3198, 3204, 3208, 3209, 3250, 3273, 3275, 3279, 3370; revolt in, 1348; WWI, 1745, 1746, 1797, 2136; WWII, 1814, 2143, 2590, 2590; between Wars, 1822; and Italy, 1943, 2138, 2139, 2141, 2141, 2141, 2141, 2142, 2157; and Kosovo, 2142; liberation, 2143; post-WWII, 3198; People's Republic of Albania, 3198; Communist, 3198, 3199, 3199, 3199, 3199, 3200, 3200, 3200, 3200, 3201, 3202, 3202, 3202, 3202, 3202, 3202; Socialist People's Republic of Albania, 3202; liberalization, 3202, 3203, 3203, 3203, 3203, 3203, 3204, 3204, 3206, 3206, 3206, 3206.
- Albanian Cultural Association
- 1325.
- Albanian League
- 1110.
- Albanian National Liberation Army
- 2143.
- Albanians
- 2754, 2756, 3174, 3175, 3180, 3181, 3182, 3206.
- Albania Party of Labor
- 3199, 3204.
- Alban Lake
- 255.
- Albany, Australia
- 1488, 1489.
- Albany, New York
- 932, 932, 935, 935, 989.
- Albany Convention
- 940.
- Albatross, German plane
- 1766.
- Albazin
- 852.
- Alberdi, Juan Bautista, Latin American leader
- 1659.
- Alberic II, pope
- 465.
- Alberoni, Giulio, cardinal
- 659, 723.
- Albert, archduke of Austria
- 1216.
- Albert, bishop of Livonia
- 489.
- Albert, France
- 1738.
- Albert, French worker
- 1081.
- Albert I, king of Belgium
- 1171, 1738, 1781, 1882, 1882, 1882, 1886.
- Albert (Albrecht) I, Holy Roman emperor
- 540.
- Albert II, Holy Roman emperor
- 541, 542, 544, 544, 560, 561.
- Albert II, king of Belgium
- 2824.
- Alberta, Canada
- 1639, 2226, 2227, 2231.
- Alberti, Leon Batista, architect
- 532, 536, 643.
- Alberti family
- 534.
- Albert of Austria
- 550.
- Albert of Habsburg
- See Albert II, Holy Roman emperor.
- Albert of Mecklenburg, king of Sweden
- 552.
- Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, prince consort of Victoria of England
- 1049, 1050, 1155.
- Albert the Bear
- 456, 456, 456, 460, 486.
- Albertus Magnus, theologian
- 452.
- Alberuni, scientist
- 325.
- Albigensian Crusade
- 450, 451, 469, 479, 507.
- Albigensians
- 450, 469, 469, 479, 505, 507.
- Albinus, Decimus Clodius, Roman general and rival emperor
- 255, 255.
- Albizzi, Maso degli, Florentine leader
- 534.
- Albornoz, Claudio Sánchez, writer
- 2895.
- Albornoz, Gil Álvarez Carillo de, cardinal
- 530.
- Alborz Mountains
- 302.
- Albrecht
- See Albert (Albrecht) I, Holy Roman emperor.
- Albrecht (Hohenzollern) of Brandenburg, cardinal
- 550.
- Albright, Madeline K., U.S. leader
- 3435.
- Albuquerque, Afonso de, Portuguese commander
- 281, 376, 605, 840.
- Alcaçovas, treaty of
- 281.
- Alcaeus, Greek poet
- 176.
- Alcántara, battle of
- 605.
- Alcatraz
- 3418, 3424.
- Alcazar, Seville
- 479, 1929.
- Alcazar-Qivir
- See battle of _Al Kasr al-Kabir.
- alchemy
- 156.
- Alcibiades, Athenian general
- 197, 197, 198, 198, 198, 198, 198.
- Alcmaeonids
- 180, 180, 181, 187, 187, 189.
- Alcman, Greek poet
- 176.
- Alcock, John W., aviation pioneer
- 991.
- Alcuin, scholar
- 411, 411, 422.
- Aldan River
- 28.
- al-Da`wa al-Islamiyya, Iraq
- 3883.
- Aldermaston, England
- 2769.
- al-Dhahabi
- See Ahmad al-Mansur, ruler of Morocco.
- Aldobrandini, Ippolito
- See Clement VIII, pope.
- Aldrich-Vreeland Act, U.S.
- 1620.
- Aldrin, Edwin Buzz, Jr., astronaut
- 2666, 3417.
- Alea, Tomás Gutiérrez, film director
- 3465.
- Aleijadinho
- See Lisboa, Antônio Francisco, Brazilian artist.
- Aleixandre, Vicent, poet
- 2896.
- Alem, Leandro N., Latin American leader
- 1660, 1660.
- Alemán, Mateo, Spanish writer
- 604.
- Alemán, Miguel, Mexican leader
- 3701, 3701, 3701.
- Alemán Lacayo, José Arnoldo, Nicaraguan leader
- 3684.
- Alencar, José de, writer
- 1657.
- Alençon
- 523.
- Aleppo
- 100, 103, 113, 113, 297, 301, 302, 317, 317, 317, 317, 318, 318, 318, 319, 319, 319, 320, 320, 437, 438, 505, 792, 799, 803, 805, 806, 809, 810, 811, 813, 1328, 1328, 1332, 1333, 1347, 1750, 1751, 1753, 2371, 2371, 2371, 3839, 3840, 3842, 3843.
- Alessandri, Arturo, Chilean leader
- 2245, 2245, 2245, 2245, 2246, 2246, 2246, 2247.
- Alessandri, Jorge, Chilean leader
- 3509, 3511.
- Alessandria
- 469, 469.
- Aleuadae clan
- 182.
- Aleuas of Larissa
- 182.
- Aleutian Islands
- 2531, 2627.
- Alevi
- See Shi'ism.
- Alexander, bishop of Rome
- 268.
- Alexander, governor of the Peloponnesus
- 210.
- Alexander, tyrant of Pherae
- 202, 202, 208.
- Alexander I, king of Greece
- 1759, 2144, 2144.
- Alexander I, king of Poland
- 632.
- Alexander I, king of Serbia and of Yugoslavia
- 1779, 2028, 2127, 2129, 2131, 2134, 2134.
- Alexander I, tsar of Russia
- 632, 766, 767, 790, 1025, 1025, 1029, 1032, 1033, 1079, 1256, 1256, 1256, 1256, 1256, 1256, 1257, 1257, 1257, 1267, 1267, 1272, 1272, 1272, 1354.
- Alexander I Karageorgevich, regent and later king of Serbia
- 1295.
- Alexander I of Battenberg, prince of Bulgaria
- 1300, 1300, 1301, 1301, 1301, 1301, 1302, 1302.
- Alexander I of Epirus
- 206.
- Alexander II, Byzantine emperor
- 436.
- Alexander II, pope
- 444, 467, 505.
- Alexander II, tsar of Russia
- 1104, 1105, 1110, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1255, 1255, 1256, 1259, 1259, 1259, 1260, 1268; assassination of, 1260.
- Alexander III, king of Scotland
- 447, 447.
- Alexander III, pope
- 450, 469, 469, 469, 471, 476.
- Alexander III, tsar of Russia
- 1256, 1260, 1261.
- Alexander III, the Great
- 48, 70, 70, 70, 73, 77, 81, 88, 95, 105, 109, 115, 119, 124, 127, 129, 129, 186, 191, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 206, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 207, 208, 208, 209, 217, 312.
- Alexander IV, king of Macedonia
- 209.
- Alexander IV, pope
- 459.
- Alexander V, king of Macedonia
- 209, 209.
- Alexander V, pope
- 531.
- Alexander VI, pope
- 533, 536, 572, 597, 607, 609, 910.
- Alexander VII, pope
- 622, 736.
- Alexander VIII, pope
- 736.
- Alexander, Harold
- 3443, 3445.
- Alexander, Tiberius Julius, prefect of Egypt
- 251.
- Alexander Balas, king of Syria
- 214, 218.
- Alexander Jannaeus, Hasmonean leader
- 214.
- Alexander Karageorgevich, prince of Serbia
- 1285, 1285, 1285, 1288.
- Alexander Nevski, Russian prince
- 489, 489, 490, 490, 490, 558.
- Alexander Obrenovich, king of Serbia
- 1291, 1291, 1291, 1291, 1292.
- Alexander Severus, Roman emperor
- 255, 255, 256, 256, 257, 257, 272.
- Alexander the Great
- See Alexander III (the Great), king of Macedonia.
- Alexander Zabinas, pretender to the Pergamum throne
- 215.
- Alexandra of Hesse-Darmstadt, tsarina of Russia
- 2062, 2067.
- Alexandra Palace
- 1850.
- Alexandretta
- 474, 969, 1728, 1750, 2376, 2376, 2377. See Hatay, republic of.
- Alexandria, Egypt
- 206, 208, 208, 208, 218, 218, 219, 241, 242, 245, 260, 275, 287, 295, 401, 429, 430, 810, 962, 1010, 1010, 1162, 1327, 1331, 1332, 1366, 1366, 1367, 1368, 1372, 1372, 1372, 2353, 2614, 3906, 3913; University of, 2368.
- Alexandria, Virginia
- 940.
- Alexandria Protocol
- 2369.
- Alexandrov, Todor, Macedonian leader
- 2163.
- Alexinatz, battle of
- 1106.
- Alexis, Greek playwright
- 208.
- Alexis, son of Peter the Great
- 784, 785, 786.
- Alexis I Mikhailovich, tsar of Russia
- 783, 783, 783, 783, 784, 784.
- Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor
- 500, 500, 500, 500, 501, 501, 501, 501, 501.
- Alexius II Comnenus, Byzantine emperor
- 503, 503, 564.
- Alexius III Angelus, Byzantine emperor
- 503, 503, 508.
- Alexius IV Angelus, Byzantine emperor
- 504, 504, 507.
- Alexius V Dukas, Byzantine emperor
- 504, 507.
- Alexius of Trebizond
- 506, 508, 508, 508.
- al-Farazdaq, Tammam ibn Ghalib
- 291.
- Alfaro, Eloy, Latin American leader
- 1671, 1671, 1671.
- Alfarrobeira, battle of
- 529.
- al-Fatah
- 3778; PLO, 3772.
- Alfieri, Vittorio, Italian playwright
- 735.
- Alfinger, Ambrosio, colonial administrator
- 897.
- Alfonsín, Raúl, Argentine leader
- 3495, 3496, 3496, 3497, 3497, 3498, 3499.
- Alfonsine Tables
- 476.
- Alfonso I, BaKongo king
- 869, 885, 885.
- Alfonso I, king of Leon and Asturias
- 420.
- Alfonso I, the Warrior
- 478, 479.
- Alfonso II, king of Aragon
- 479.
- Alfonso II, king of Leon and Asturias
- 419, 420.
- Alfonso II, king of Naples
- 607.
- Alfonso III, king of Aragon
- 479, 526.
- Alfonso IV, king of Aragon
- 526.
- Alfonso V, the Magnanimous
- 526, 533, 533.
- Alfonso VI, king of Castile
- 475, 475, 476, 476, 476, 476, 480.
- Alfonso VII, king of Castile
- 476.
- Alfonso VIII, king of Castile
- 475, 476, 476.
- Alfonso X, the Learned
- 459, 476, 476, 525, 525.
- Alfonso XI, king of Castile
- 525.
- Alfonso XII, king of Spain
- 1203, 1203, 1204.
- Alfonso XIII, king of Spain
- 1204, 1921, 1922, 1925, 1925, 1925.
- Alfonso of Calabria
- 536.
- Alfonso the Wise
- See Alfonso X (the Learned), king of Castile.
- Alfred, English prince
- 1278.
- Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building
- 3433.
- Alfred the Great, king of England
- 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 422, 424.
- Algeciras
- 475, 476, 2923; conferences, 976, 1130, 1378, 1615; act of, 1130, 1135.
- Algeria
- 293, 293, 321, 321, 321, 321, 322, 322, 322, 323, 323, 323, 323, 475, 475, 822, 826, 826, 826, 826, 826, 827, 827, 828, 828, 828, 828, 828, 829, 829, 953, 1060, 1130, 1329, 1375, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1382, 1382, 1382, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1384, 1386, 1390, 1392, 1562, 2423, 2639, 2644, 2644, 2668, 2847, 2849, 2850, 2850, 2851, 2852, 2852, 2852, 2853, 2853, 2853, 2883, 3769, 3771, 3772, 3786, 3920, 3925, 3926, 3927, 3928, 3928, 3928, 3929, 3929, 3931, 3933, 3933, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3937, 3938, 3938, 3939, 3939, 3939, 3942, 4324, 4453; and Morocco, 1375, 1376; and Ottoman Empire, 1381; and Tunisia, 1381; Barbary Wars, 1381; and France, 1381, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2424, 2424, 2636, 3925, 3925, 3925, 3925, 3925, 3926, 3926, 3927, 3927, 3928, 3928, 3928, 3929, 3929, 3929, 3929, 3933, 3933; annexation to France, 1382; discriminatory French laws, 1383, 1383; war with Tunisia, 1385; WWI, 2423; WWII, 2614, 2615; War for Independence, 3768, 3925; makeup, 3925; loss in war, 3925; provisional government, 3927; independence, 3929, 3929; Arabization program, 3933.
- Algerian Statute
- 3925, 3925.
- al-Ghazali, theologian
- 283, 300.
- Algidus Pass
- 226.
- Algiers, Battle of
- 823, 826, 826, 826, 826, 826, 826, 827, 827, 827, 827, 828, 828, 829, 1060, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1381, 1383, 1384, 1511, 1919, 2423, 2614, 2615, 2617, 2661, 2670, 2853, 2905, 3775, 3925, 3927, 3928, 3934; relations with Europe, 827; treaty with Great Britain, 828; surrender to the French, 1329; occupation by France, 1381; Arab Summit Conference, 3774; Battle of, 3926.
- Algiers Committee of Public Safety
- 3927.
- Algiers Toast
- 1195.
- Algirdas
- 557, 557, 558.
- Algonquin Indians
- 920, 940.
- al-Haddad, Algerian sheik
- 1383.
- al-Hadi, Abbasid caliph
- 293.
- al-Hajjaj, governor of Iraq
- 290, 290.
- Alhajji Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Nigerian leader
- 4324.
- Alhajji Muhammad Sanusi, emir of Kano
- 4324.
- Al-Hajj Muhammad Amin al-Husayni, mufti of Jerusalem
- 2387.
- Al-Hakam, emir
- 419.
- Al-Hakam al Mustansir, caliph
- 419.
- al-Hakim, Fatimid leader
- 317.
- Alhambra, Granada
- 475, 479.
- al-Hasan, ruler of Tunis
- 826.
- al-Hasan al-Basri, mystic
- 290.
- al-Hudayda, Yemen
- 2408, 2411.
- Ali, pasha of Janina
- 1273, 1328.
- Ali, son of Husayn, king of the Hijaz
- 2410.
- Ali III Bey, ruler of Tunisia
- 1390, 1390.
- Ali, Mohammed, Indian leader
- 2432, 2434, 2434, 2435.
- Ali, Mohammed, Pakistani leader
- 3991, 3993.
- Alia, Ramiz, Albanian leader
- 3202, 3203, 3203, 3205, 3206.
- Ali Abd al-Raziq, sheik, writer
- 2356.
- Ali al-Ashari, theologian
- 298.
- Ali al-Balhawan, Tunisian leader
- 2427.
- Darwish, Ali al-, musicologist
- 3839.
- Ali al-Mansur, imam of Yemen
- 820, 1358, 1359, 1359.
- Ali al-Mawardi, jurist and writer
- 301.
- Ali al-Rida, Shiite imam
- 294, 813.
- Ali al-Shadhili, Sufi leader
- 322.
- Aliança Renovadora Nacional, ARENA
- 3614.
- Ali Bey, ruler of Tunis
- 828, 828.
- Ali Bey al-Kabir, Mamluk ruler of Egypt
- 808, 808, 957.
- Ali brothers, Indian Muslim leaders
- 2434, 2434, 2435.
- Alibux, Errol, Surinamese leader
- 3632.
- al-Idrisi, geographer
- 362.
- Alien Act, Canada
- 1623.
- Alien Act, England
- 691.
- Alien Act, U.S.
- 1565.
- Alien Enemies Act, U.S.
- 1565.
- Alien Land Law, U.S.
- 2195.
- Ali Ghadjideni, Al Gaji
- 354.
- Ali ibn Abi Talib, fourth caliph
- 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 289, 290, 291, 293, 293, 296, 300.
- Ali ibn al-Athir, historian
- 303.
- Ali ibn Buya, Buyid leader
- 298, 298.
- Ali ibn Dunama, Borno leader
- 871.
- Ali ibn Ghadhahim, Tunisian leader
- 1390.
- Ali ibn Hirzihim, Sufi leader
- 322.
- Ali ibn Mazyad, Mazyadid leader
- 300.
- Ali Khan, Liaqat, Pakistani leader
- 3957.
- Ali Kosh, prehistoric settlement
- 36.
- Alimentus, Lucius, Roman historian
- 229.
- Ali Mughayat Syah, sultan of Malaya
- 839, 839.
- Ali Mumtaz al-Daftari, Iraqi leader
- 2400.
- Ali Pasha, governor of Aleppo
- 809.
- Ali Pasha, ruler of Tunisia
- 828.
- Ali Pasha, Turkish leader
- 1331.
- Ali Pasha Janbulat, Syrian rebel
- 799.
- Ali Pasha Mubarak, Egyptian reformer
- 1373.
- Ali Pasha of Janina, ruler of Albania
- 810.
- Ali Pasha Qaramanli, Libyan leader
- 1392, 1392.
- Ali Rida Pasha, governor of Libya
- 1393.
- Ali Riza, Ottoman leader
- 2321.
- Baidh, Ali Salem al-, Yemenite leader
- 3895.
- Ali Shari`ati, writer
- 3819.
- Ali Suavi, leader of Young Ottomans
- 1336.
- Ali Ufki, compiler of Middle Eastern music
- 806.
- Aliyahs, Jewish immigration
- 1346.
- Aliyev, Geidar, Azerbaijani leader
- 3313, 3313, 3314, 3314.
- Aliyev, Ilham, Azerbaijani leader
- 3314.
- Ali Yusuf, Egyptian leader
- 1374.
- al-Jadid Mosque, Mosque of the Fishery
- 827.
- al-Jama 'a al-Islamiya, Egypt
- 3916.
- al-Jazuli, founder of Sufism
- 822.
- Aljubarrota, battle of
- 528.
- al-Kamil Muhammad, Ayyubid leader
- 319.
- Al Kasr al-Kabir" ID="A000029, battle of
- 605.
- al-Khalifa dynasty
- 820.
- al-Khayzuran, wife of al-Mahdi
- 293.
- Al-Khwarizmi, Arab scholar
- 444.
- All-African Convention
- 2579.
- Allahabad High Court
- 3973.
- Allan, Hugh, Canadian industrialist
- 1630.
- Allectus, rebel in Britain
- 261, 261.
- Allemane, Jean, French socialist
- 1191, 1195.
- Allen, Ethan, American commander
- 946.
- Allenby, Edmund H.
- 507, 1752, 1801, 2352.
- Allende, Isabel, writer
- 3514.
- Allende Gossens, Salvador, Chilean leader
- 3509, 3510, 3511, 3511, 3511, 3511, 3511, 3512, 3513, 3514, 3521; coup, 3513.
- Allenstein, Germany
- 1974.