1964 |
UN Peacekeeping force for CYPRUS established as fighting developed between Greek and Turkish Cypriots. | 1 |
Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader in the United States, received the Nobel Peace Prize. | 2 |
The Olympic Games were held in Tokyo. | 3 |
Jan |
The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was dissolved. Northern Rhodesia became independent Zambia, Nyasaland became independent Malawi, and Southern Rhodesia came under the control of an all-white government. | 4 |
March |
The Afro-Asian Solidarity Council met in Algiers. | 5 |
MarchJune |
UN CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT (UNCTAD) met in Geneva, attended by 120 states. It established a permanent organization with special concern for the trade needs of developing countries. | 6 |
Oct |
Conference of Non-Aligned Nations met in Cairo with 47 members and 10 observers represented. Declarations affirmed opposition to foreign bases and Western colonialism. | 7 |
Nov |
Special UN committee report on South Africa called for total economic sanctions. | 8 |