- Banqueting Hall, Whitehall
- 594.
- Bantam, English establishment at
- 840.
- Banten
- 839.
- Bantu Education Act
- 4470.
- Bantus
- 343, 343, 343, 343, 343, 343, 347, 347, 347, 347, 348, 348, 349, 349, 349, 362, 362, 362, 365, 365, 890, 890, 891, 1506.
- Banu Abd al-Wad, Zayyanid leader
- 322.
- Banu al-Nadir, Jewish tribe
- 286, 286.
- Banu Asad, Arab tribe
- 300.
- Banu Hammad
- 321.
- Banu Hilal
- 321.
- Banu Khalid Arabs
- 803.
- Banu Kilab
- 317, 317.
- Banu Musa brothers
- 295.
- Banu Qaynuqa, Jewish tribe
- 286, 286.
- Banu Qurayza, Jewish tribe
- 286, 286.
- Banu Sulaym
- 321.
- Banu Utub Arabs
- 820, 820.
- Banu Wattas
- 822.
- Banzan, Kumazawa, Japanese philosopher
- 859.
- Banzer Suárez, Hugo
- 3543, 3543, 3543, 3546, 3546, 3548, 3549, 3550, 3551.
- Ban Zhao, Chinese historian
- 156.
- Bao Dai, Vietnamese leader
- 2524, 2529, 2529, 4255, 4255, 4256, 4257, 4257, 4257.
- Baoding
- 2479.
- Bapaume, in World War I
- 1738, 1755, 1800, 1812, 1812.
- Bapheus, battle of
- 309, 565.
- Ba Phnom
- 135.
- Baphuon, Angkor temple
- 340.
- Baptista, Mariano, Latin American leader
- 1669.
- Baptista, Pedro, Angolan explorer
- 1507.
- Baptists
- 1538, 1539, 1548; in the U.S., 1563, 1565.
- Bar, region
- 524.
- Bar, Montenegro
- 1297.
- Baracoa
- 895.
- Barahona, Miguel Paz, Honduran leader
- 2289.
- Barak, Ehud, Israeli leader
- 3785, 3785, 3844, 3868, 3868, 3869, 3869, 3869.
- Barakzay dynasty, Afghanistan
- 819, 1354, 1354, 1354.
- Baranov, Alexander, Russian colonial administrator
- 1566.
- Baranovici, taken by Russians
- 1740, 1802.
- Baratieri, Oreste, Italian general
- 1222.
- Barbados
- 694, 931, 3756, 3756, 3759, 3767.
- Barbados Labour Party
- 3765.
- Barbalissa
- 272.
- barbarian, Greco-Roman concept
- 402.
- barbarians
- 67, 252, 257, 260, 265, 265, 266.
- Barbarossa, Ottoman admiral and pirate
- 797.
- Barbary Company
- 823.
- Barbary Wars
- 1381.
- barbed wire
- 1596.
- Barberini, Maffeo
- See Urban VIII, pope.
- Barbie, Klaus, Nazi
- 2875.
- Barbuda
- 3763.
- Barcelona
- 281, 419, 477, 477, 477, 479, 479, 479, 525, 601, 604, 718, 720, 721, 722, 725, 1029, 1062, 1146, 1202, 1204, 1921, 1921, 1921, 1925, 1927, 1927, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1931, 1932, 2688, 2702, 2906, 2907; treaty of, 607.
- Barcelona Commission of Factories
- 1062.
- Barclay de Tolly, Mikhail
- 1029, 1029.
- Barco Vargas, Virgilio, Colombian leader
- 3583, 3584.
- Bardas, Byzantine leader
- 434, 434, 435.
- Bardas Phocas, Byzantine general
- 437, 437, 438, 438.
- Bardas Skleros, Byzantine general
- 438, 438.
- Bardi
- 534.
- Bardia
- 2612, 2612, 2614.
- Bardiya
- See Smerdis, brother of Cambyses I, king of Persia.
- Bardo, treaty of
- 1110, 1193, 1390.
- Bárdossy, László, Hungarian leader
- 2034.
- Barebones' Parliament, England
- 671.
- Bareiro, Cándido, Latin American leader
- 1666.
- Barents, Willem, Dutch explorer
- 993.
- Barents Sea
- 993, 2757, 3371.
- Bargash Sayyid, sultan of Zanzibar
- 1529.
- Bargdenau
- 408.
- Barghawata Berbers
- 295.
- Bari
- 408, 435, 467, 472, 500.
- Barillas, Manuel Lisandro, Latin American leader
- 1681.
- Baring, Evelyn
- 1372, 1373, 1374.
- Barings PLC
- 2691, 2799.
- Barka, Mehdi Ben, Moroccan leader
- 3920.
- Barkuk, Mamluk leader
- 320.
- Barletta, Nicolas Ardito, Panamanian leader
- 3642, 3642, 3642.
- Bar-Lev Line
- 3774.
- Barlian, Lt. Col., Indonesian leader
- 4125.
- Barlow, Arthur, English explorer
- 924.
- Barlow, George
- 1394.
- Barmak family
- 293, 294.
- Barnaloo, S. S., Indian leader
- 3978.
- Barnard, Dr. Christiaan, surgeon
- 2664.
- Barnato, Barney, South African financier
- 1555.
- Barnato Diamond Mining Company
- 1555, 1556.
- Barnet, battle of
- 515.
- Baroda
- 334.
- Baronius, Caesar, Italian historian
- 609.
- Baroque style
- 646, 735.
- Barotseland
- 1548.
- Barotse people
- 1547.
- Barrantes, Alfonso, Peruvian leader
- 3557, 3557.
- Barras, Paul François de, French leader
- 1009, 1012.
- Barre, Muhammad Siyad, Somalian leader
- 4400, 4400, 4400, 4400, 4400.
- Barre, Raymond, French leader
- 2866.
- Barrès, Maurice, writer
- 1195.
- Barreta, Tomás, Uruguayan leader
- 3528.
- Barrie, James M., writer
- 1839.
- Barrientos Ortuno, René, Bolivian leader
- 3539, 3540, 3541.
- Barrier Treaty
- 704.
- Barries, Norman family
- 425.
- Barrios, Justo Rufino, Latin American leader
- 1681, 1681, 1681.
- Barros Luco, Ramón, Latin American leader
- 1664.
- Barrow, Isaac, British mathematician
- 640.
- Barrow, L. Basian, Gambian leader
- 4343.
- Bar-sauma, Syrian monk
- 273.
- Barsine, Persian wife of Alexander the Great
- 207.
- Barth, Heinrich, German explorer
- 1508.
- Barth, Karl, theologian
- 1815, 2701.
- Barthélemy, François de
- 1009.
- Barthes, Roland, critic
- 2701, 2861.
- Bartholin, Erasmus, scientist
- 640.
- Barthou, Jean Louis, French leader
- 1821, 2134.
- Bartlett, Neil, chemist
- 2703.
- Bartolo, Martínez, Nicaraguan leader
- 2283.
- Barton, Clara, founder of American Red Cross
- 1600.
- Barton, Edmund, Australian leader
- 1497, 1497.
- Baruch Plan
- 2641.
- Barwe, Mozambique
- 2572.
- Basava, religious leader
- 337.
- Basco y Vargos, Jose, Spanish merchant in the Philippines
- 868.
- Basel
- 411, 531, 546, 547, 625, 625, 625, 626, 749, 749, 750, 1009, 1718, 1720, 2976; synod of, 467; council of, 523, 531, 531, 532, 541, 544, 545; treaty of, 547, 907, 1008.
- Basel Mission
- 1514.
- BASF, German chemical company
- 2640.
- Bashan
- 104, 106.
- Bashir I, emir
- 805.
- Bashir II, emir of Lebanon
- 810, 1333.
- Bashir III, emir of Lebanon
- 1333.
- Assad, Bashar al-, Syrian leader
- 3786, 3844.
- Sa`dawi, Bashir al-, Islamic leader
- 3947.
- Bashkent, battle of
- 308.
- Bash
, Matsuo, Japanese poet
- 861.
- Basic Reconstruction Act, U.S.
- 1593.
- Basic Treaty, Germany
- 3007.
- Bas'idi dynasty
- 882.
- Basil, court favorite
- 437, 438.
- Basil I, Byzantine emperor
- 435, 435, 435, 435.
- Basil I, Vasili
- 558.
- Basil II, Bulgaroktonos
- 276, 437, 438, 438, 438, 438, 438, 438, 441, 498.
- Basil II, grand prince of Moscow
- 558.
- Basil III, tsar of Russia
- 629, 629.
- Basilica Iulia
- 239.
- Basilica Nova
- 260.
- Basiliscus, pretender to the eastern Roman throne
- 269.
- Basil of Caesarea, religious scholar
- 401.
- Basil of Nazianzos, religious scholar
- 401.
- Basil the Eunuch, adviser
- 438.
- Basotho Congress Party, BCP
- 4473, 4473.
- Basotholand
- 1551, 1553.
- Basotho National Party, BNP
- 4473.
- Basques
- 410, 419, 571, 908, 1202, 1926, 1929, 1929, 1930, 1930, 2644, 2892, 2893, 2893, 2895, 2901, 2909, 2909, 2910; autonomy, 2898.
- Basra
- 287, 288, 290, 292, 293, 296, 296, 301, 794, 799, 803, 804, 805, 809, 1331, 1333, 1363, 1748, 1750, 1751, 2399, 3880, 3896.
- Bassac
- 1407.
- Bassano
- 538.
- Bassein, treaty of
- 831, 1394.
- Bastarnae
- 402.
- Bastiat, Claude Frédéric, economist
- 1035.
- Bastidas, Micaela, wife of Túpac Amaru II
- 913.
- Bastidas, Rodrigo de, explorer
- 573, 897.
- Bastille, Paris
- 701, 713, 1001, 1001.
- Bastille Day
- 2877.
- Bastion Point, New Zealand
- 4316.
- Basutoland
- 1551, 1558.
- Basutoland African Congress
- 4473.
- Basutoland National Party
- 4473.
- Basuto people
- 1551.
- Bataan Peninsula
- 2627.
- Bataka
- 883.
- Batam Archipelago
- 837.
- Batanaea
- 250.
- Batavia
- 841, 1412, 2457, 2627, 4122. See Jakarta.
- Batavian Republic
- 705, 1017, 1018, 1024, 1549.
- Batavians, Germanic tribe
- 251, 595, 705.
- Bates, John, English merchant
- 589.
- Bath
- 421.
- Bath Party
- 3843.
- Ba`th Party, Iraq and Syria
- 3838, 3839, 3840, 3878, 3888.
- Baths of Caracalla
- 255, 260.
- Bathurst, Gambia
- 873, 1488, 1513.
- Batista, Fulgencio, Cuban leader
- 2303, 2305, 2305, 2306, 2306, 2306, 3714, 3714, 3714, 3714, 3715.
- Batlle, Jorge, Uruguayan leader
- 3534.
- Batlle, Lorenzo, Latin American leader
- 1667.
- Batlle y Ordóñez, José, Latin American leader
- 1667, 1667, 2252, 2252.
- Batman, John, settler in Victoria
- 1489.
- Battambong
- 1407.
- Batthyány, Lajos
- 1087, 1087.
- Battle at Châlons
- 258.
- Battle at Paraetacene
- 209.
- Battle of Aegina
- 192.
- Battle of Aegospotamai
- 198.
- Battle of Alalia
- 110, 185.
- Battle of Amphipolis
- 196.
- Battle of Andros
- 210, 218.
- Battle of Aphek
- 106.
- Battle of Arbela
- 88.
- Battle of Arginusae
- 198.
- Battle of Aricia
- 225.
- Battle of Arpad
- 87.
- Battle of Artemisium
- 189.
- Battle of Assinarus
- 197.
- Battle of Avarair
- 273.
- Battle of Callinicum
- 274.
- Battle of Carchemish
- 88, 95, 105.
- Battle of Chaeronea
- 205.
- Battle of Châlons
- 266.
- Battle of Chios
- 211.
- Battle of Cnidus
- 199.
- Battle of Coronea
- 193, 199.
- Battle of Corupedium
- 209.
- Battle of Cos
- 218.
- Battle of Cronium
- 200.
- Battle of Cumae
- 190.
- Battle of Cunaxa
- 115, 124.
- Battle of Cynoscephalae
- 202.
- Battle of Cyzicus
- 198, 255.
- Battle of Daras
- 274.
- Battle of Delium
- 196.
- Battle of Der
- 122.
- Battle of Dhu Qar
- 275.
- Battle of Diplaea
- 190.
- Battle of Elteqeh
- 87.
- Battle of Embata
- 203.
- Battle of Fei River
- 157.
- Battle of Gaugamela
- 206.
- Battle of Gilboa
- 104.
- Battle of Granicus
- 206.
- Battle of Halule
- 122.
- Battle of Himera
- 110, 189.
- Battle of Hysiae
- 178.
- Battle of Ipsus
- 209.
- Battle of Issus
- 206, 255.
- Battle of Lade
- 187.
- Battle of Lake Regillus
- 225.
- Battle of Lechaeum
- 200.
- Battle of Leuctra
- 202.
- Battle of Lutibu
- 106.
- Battle of Magnesia
- 233.
- Battle of Manduria
- 205.
- Battle of Marathon
- 124, 188.
- Battle of Megiddo
- 93, 95, 105.
- Battle of Mycale
- 189.
- Battle of Neon
- 203.
- Battle of Nicaea
- 255.
- Battle of Noae
- 193.
- Battle of Oenophyta
- 192.
- Battle of Pelusium
- 95.
- Battle of Piyer
- 93.
- Battle of Plataea
- 189.
- Battle of Pydna
- 233.
- Battle of Qadesh
- 93.
- Battle of Qarqar
- 87, 94, 104, 106.
- Battle of Raphia
- 208.
- Battle of Red Cliff
- 156.
- Battle of Salamis
- 124, 189, 193.
- Battle of Sellasia
- 211.
- Battle of Senyclarus
- 179.
- Battle of Sepeia
- 187.
- Battle of Tanagra
- 192.
- Battle of the Crimissus
- 204.
- Battle of the Elleporus
- 200.
- Battle of the Eurymedon River
- 190.
- Battle of the Frontiers
- 1789.
- Battle of the Hydaspes, Jhelum
- 207.
- Battle of the Metaurus River
- 232.
- Battle of the Nemea
- 199.
- Battle of Thermopylae
- 189, 211.
- Battle of the Trebia
- 231.
- Battle of Trifanum
- 226.
- Battle of Zama
- 232.
- Battles of Bedriacum
- 251, 251.
- Battles of Mantinea
- 197, 202.
- Novara, battles of
- 597.
- battles of St. Albans
- 515.
- Batu, Mongol leader
- 374, 487, 489.
- Batum
- 1108, 1108, 1260, 1343, 1344, 2067.
- Batu Pahat River
- 837.
- Baucaudae
- 261.
- Baudouin, king of Belgium
- 2820, 2820, 2821, 2822, 2822, 2824.
- Bauer, Bruno, writer
- 1036.
- Bauer, Georg
- See Georgius ~Agricola.
- Bauer, Gustav, German leader
- 1973.
- Bauhaus school of design, led by Gropius
- 1816, 1974, 2702.
- Baulieu, Etienne-Emile, endocrinologist
- 2704.
- Baunsgaard, Hilmar, Danish leader
- 3047, 3047.
- Bautzen, battle of
- 1030.
- Bautzen, treaty of
- 486.
- Bavaria
- 410, 411, 412, 415, 415, 415, 415, 415, 416, 416, 416, 416, 416, 456, 456, 459, 468, 491, 554, 613, 614, 616, 617, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 624, 653, 657, 657, 657, 657, 659, 660, 660, 660, 660, 667, 752, 759, 759, 759, 1009, 1009, 1026, 1026, 1072, 1096, 1102, 1102, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1781, 1971, 1978, 1978, 2983, 2987.
- Bavaria, electoral prince of
- 657.
- Bayamo
- 895.
- Bayan, scripture
- 1350.
- Bayar, Celal, Turkish leader
- 3788, 3790.
- Bayazid
- 1108.
- Bayazid al-Bistami, mystic
- 297.
- Bayeux Tapestry
- 449.
- Bayezid, son of Suleyman I
- 795, 795, 1343, 1344.
- Bayezid I, Yldirim
- 310, 310, 310, 312, 312, 312, 312, 563, 568, 568, 793.
- Bayezid II, Ottoman sultan
- 315, 315, 315, 315, 316.
- Bayinnaung, king of Burma
- 844, 844, 845, 845, 845, 845, 845.
- Bay Islands
- 1680, 1686.