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Civil war in Zululand. In May 1884, Dinizulu, son of Cetewayo, was made king. | 1 |
1884 |
Imo Zabi Ntgundo, the first Xhosa newspaper, was published. | 2 |
Tembu National Church was founded in Transkei. | 3 |
1886 |
THE GOLD DISCOVERED on Witwatersrand accelerated the mining revolution; by the end of the century, South Africa was the world's largest producer of gold. Gold increasingly was found only in deep reefs, which required substantial capital and cheap labor. | 4 |
Johannesburg was laid out in Sept. 1886 and before long had a population of over 100,000. Cecil Rhodes's Consolidated Gold Mines soon controlled a large share of the business. | 5 |
1887, June 21 |
Britain annexed Zululand, and Dinizulu was banished to St. Helena. | 6 |
1888 |
De Beers and Barnato amalgamated, which gave Rhodes a virtual monopoly of the industry. | 7 |
1889 |
Witwatersrand Chamber of Mines was formed. | 8 |
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Seventy-five Ethiopian (independent) churches were founded in South Africa. | 9 |
1890 |
Cecil Rhodes's British South African Company sent a pioneer column of settlers and police into Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) between Ndebele and Shona areas. | 10 |
Cecil Rhodes became prime minister of the Cape Colony. | 11 |
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Series of ecological crises, including drought, locusts, and cattle disease (rinderpest) undermined the independence of African peasant production, which had been stimulated by the mining revolution. | 12 |
1892 |
The first train line to link Capetown and Johannesburg was established. | 13 |
1893 |
Natal colonists were granted responsible government. | 14 |
1894 |
The British annexed Pondoland, thus connecting Cape Colony with Natal. | 15 |
Aug |
Glen Grey Act provided for African self-government along the model of indirect rule. It also raised property qualifications and introduced an educational test for black voters of the Cape. | 16 |