THE KINGDOM OF URARTU (VAN). Shalmeneser III defeated the first known king of Urartu, Aramu in 856. Sarduri I (c. 834) and Ishpuini (c. 822) also fought the Assyrians. Menua (c. 800) increased Urartian power, occupying the entire Armenian highland area, and built the walls and aqueduct of Tushpa. Argishti I (786764) built the city of Erebuni as a royal capital. Sarduri II (764735) reorganized the army along Assyrian lines and extended Urartian power as far as northern Syria. In 743, however, Tiglath-Pileser III defeated the Urartians and reestablished Assyrian control over north Syria. The Assyrians attacked Urartu itself in 735, annexed Urmia, and besieged Tushpa (unsuccessfully). In 714 Sargon II launched a carefully planned attack against Rusa I (735714) and defeated the Urartian army. Although defeated by marauding Cimmerians in 707, Argishti II (714685) kept the Assyrians at bay and built a number of new fortresses and irrigation works. Such projects were continued by his son Rusa II (685645), who completed a new capital Rusahinili (Toprakkale). After the death of Rusa II, the Urartian kingdom declined. Sometime after 584, the Medes defeated King Rusa IV and destroyed Rusahinili. | 2 |