1980, April |
With the army under his control, Ch n seized control over the KCIA. This illegal action set off demonstrations that continued to grow until they culminated in a mass protest in Seoul of some 70,000100,000 students on May 15. | 1 |
May 17 |
Ch n promulgated Martial Law Decree No. 10, which closed down all colleges and the National Assembly, and prohibited all political action. | 2 |
May 18 |
Students in Kwangju began a demonstration demanding an end to martial law. They were decimated by military paratroopers who killed indiscriminately. By May 21, the city was in rebellion. Troops crushed the rebels, beginning on May 27. Hundreds were killed, possibly more. | 3 |
May 31 |
Ch n established the joint civil-military Special Committee for National Security Measures. | 4 |
Aug. 16 |
The puppet president stepped down; Ch n resigned his army post on Aug. 22 and within about ten days became president. | 5 |