VII. The Contemporary Period, 1945–2000 > E. The Middle East and North Africa, 1945–2000 > 3. The Middle East and Egypt, 1943–2000 > m. Egypt > 1956
  The Encyclopedia of World History.  2001.
A law made public education free. The measure was extended to higher education in 1962.  1
Jan. 16
Promulgation of a new constitution. Under the new system of government, the president was invested with broad powers. Nasser became the first president in June.  2
June 23
Universal male suffrage for all men age 21 and older. Women also obtained the right to vote.  3
The U.S. and Great Britain withdrew offers of financial aid for the planned construction of the Aswan High Dam. In response, EGYPT NATIONALIZED THE SUEZ CANAL on July 26.  4
Nationalization of all British and French companies in Egypt. In response to the Suez War (See 1956, Oct. 29), the government seized all British, French, and Jewish property. The measure was extended in Jan. 1957 to all foreign-owned insurance companies, commercial houses, and banks. Later, in 1960, came the expropriation of all Belgian property. By this time, Egypt had committed itself to a centrally planned economy.  5
The Encyclopedia of World History, Sixth edition. Peter N. Stearns, general editor. Copyright © 2001 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Maps by Mary Reilly, copyright © 2001 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.