1990, Jan. 27 |
Thousands demonstrated against the National Salvation Front, accusing it of maintaining Ceau escu's communist policies. | 1 |
Feb. 11 |
The U.S. provided food aid, but Secretary of State James Baker, visiting Romania, announced that longer-term aid would depend on free elections. | 2 |
May |
The NSF won the elections, and Iliescu was elected president. He would win another four-year term as president in Sept.Oct. 1992. | 3 |
Sept. 27 |
Romania was denied observer status in the Council of Europe because of continued human rights abuses in the country. | 4 |
Dec. 16 |
Workers and students began a general strike, demanding the resignation of the president and the government in Timi oara; the strike lasted through January. | 5 |