VI. The World Wars and the Interwar Period, 1914–1945 > C. Europe, 1919–1945 > 4. European Diplomacy and the Depression, 1919–1939 > 1932, June 16–July 9
  The Encyclopedia of World History.  2001.
1932, June 16–July 9
LAUSANNE CONFERENCE (See June 16–July 9).  1
1933, Feb
In view of the danger from the new nationalist Germany and increased Hungarian irredentism, the Little Entente was reorganized and given a permanent council.  2
March 17
Conclusion of the Rome protocols among Italy, Austria, and Hungary. They provided for closer trade relations, consultation, and common policy, and in general represented the organization, under Fascist auspices, of a Danubian bloc to counterbalance the Little Entente and the French influence.  3
Romania and Russia concluded a nonaggression pact, involving tacit recognition of Romania's possession of Bessarabia. It was the direct result of Hitler's victory in Germany and Russia's preoccupation with the Far Eastern situation.  4
July 15
Conclusion of the four-power pact among Britain, France, Germany, and Italy; backed by Mussolini as an alternative to the League, but of no significance.  5
Sept. 15
Greece and Turkey signed a ten-year nonaggression pact. The two countries agreed to close cooperation in foreign policy.  6
Oct. 14
German withdrawal from the disarmament conference and from the League of Nations (Oct. 23).  7
The Encyclopedia of World History, Sixth edition. Peter N. Stearns, general editor. Copyright © 2001 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Maps by Mary Reilly, copyright © 2001 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.