V. The Modern Period, 1789–1914 > B. The French Revolution and Europe, 1789–1914 > 7. Western and Central Europe, 1848–1914 > b. Britain > 1. England, Scotland, and Wales > 1857
  The Encyclopedia of World History.  2001.
Divorce became possible for both men and women, and a divorce court was established. Adultery by the wife was sufficient grounds for divorce for men, but women could obtain a divorce only for adultery aggravated by cruelty or desertion on the part of their husbands.  1
Police legislation extended police forces throughout England and Wales and into Scotland in 1869. The new borough and county police forces were continually improved although instances of inappropriate conduct and inadequacy received great attention from the press.  2
A medical act established guidelines for licensing of physicians and surgeons. It marked not only growing concern about the professionalization of medicine but also the development of numerous organizations to further professional standards.  3
Jews were given equal legal and political rights.  4
1858, Feb. 9
Palmerston introduced the Conspiracy to Murder Bill in response to Orsini's attempt to assassinate Louis-Napolean. The bill led to Palmerston's downfall. The short-lived Derby government that followed passed bills allowing the admission of Jews to Parliament and abolishing the property qualifications for M.P.'s. It also introduced the Conservative Reform Bill (Feb. 28, 1859). Despite this, the Derby government fell as the result of the May elections and was replaced by a coalition of Liberals (Peelites, Irish nationalists, and Whigs) under Palmerston.  5
Aug. 2
The India Act, enacted as a result of the Sepoy Mutiny, placed control of India in the hands of a minister directly responsible to Parliament rather than the East India Company (See 1858, Aug. 2).  6
The Encyclopedia of World History, Sixth edition. Peter N. Stearns, general editor. Copyright © 2001 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Maps by Mary Reilly, copyright © 2001 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.