1926, May 26 |
Final defeat and surrender of Abd al-Karim, putting an end to the Rif Rebellion. He was later exiled to the island of Reunion. | 1 |
1927, Nov. 17 |
Death of MOULAY YUSUF, sultan of Morocco. He was succeeded by his son, SIDI MUHAMMAD III. | 2 |
1930 |
Establishment of a Federal Bank whose primary task was to provide settlers with reasonable loans. In comparison, native farmers had great difficulty in securing credit. | 3 |
Formation of the Zawiya, a small group of leaders within the National Group (al-Jamaa al-wataniyya) who, by 1932, had broken away and formed the National Action Bloc. The group's chief objective was to win the sultan over to the nationalist cause. In 1934 it issued a Plan of Reform that criticized administrative abuses and economic and educational failures, and called for legal reforms. The authors of the proposal, published in France, were careful to express their admiration for French culture and the French political system. Their plan did not denounce the protectorate itself, but demanded a more faithful application of its principles. The nationalists had not yet reached the point of insisting on complete independence. | 4 |
May 16 |
Intensification of French assimilationist policy. The French authorities transferred the tribal courts created in 1914 to newly formed customary tribunals, which operated under French supervision. The law was highly unpopular, and the French finally rescinded the order in April 1934but they did not renounce the policy of assimilation itself. | 5 |