1921, Jan. 1322 |
Congress of the Socialist Party at Livorno. The party split into a moderate and a radical wing, the latter frankly Communist. Their main theoretician was Antonio Gramsci (18911937), the publisher of Ordine Nuovo in Turin. | 1 |
Feb. 27 |
Communist and Fascist riots at Florence, inaugurating a period of repeated clashes that ultimately approximated civil war between the two factions. Central in this disorder were the Fascist Arditi, gangs of strike-breaking thugs. | 2 |
May 15 |
Elections, the first held under a system of universal suffrage. The Liberals and Democrats won a resounding victory and secured 275 seats, as against 122 for the Socialists and 107 for the Popular (Catholic) Party. The Communists had only 16, the Fascists 22. | 3 |
June 26 |
Fall of the Giolitti cabinet, the result of dissatisfaction with its foreign policy. A new ministry was organized (July 5) by Ivanhoe Bonomi. | 4 |