1936 |
Wage rates cut during the depression were restored, working hours limited, and minimum pay set. Union membership became compulsory. The Reserve Bank was nationalized, ensuring low-interest loans for national development schemes. The government undertook to buy farm produce at a guaranteed price, with deficits being made up from Reserve Bank credits. The government undertook an extensive program of public housing construction. | 1 |
1937, May 12 |
Foundation of the National Party, a merger of the old Reform and United Parties. It opposed the government's socialistic program, favoring private enterprise. | 2 |
1938 |
Universal free health care established. National superannuation scheme was introduced. | 3 |
Oct. 15 |
Labour won with a convincing majority in elections. Foreign exchange and import controls were introduced which remained in place until the 1980s. | 4 |