1874, April |
An expedition was sent via Xiamen (Amoy) on the Chinese coast to Taiwan to redress the murder by locals there of Ry ky an sailors in Dec. 1871; Japan had claimed suzerainty over the Ry ky s, and China had avoided responsibility. In Oct., Japan agreed to recall the expedition, and China would pay an indemnity. | 1 |
1875 |
An assembly of prefectural governors convened (not a representative or legislative body). A senate (Genr in), convened in 1876, had similar advisory duties only; it was abolished in 1890. Agitation for genuine representative institutions continued, led by Itagaki Taisuke and others. Japan exchanged with Russia the island of Sakhalin for the Kurils. | 2 |
1876, Feb. 26 |
A Japanese naval demonstration secured the unequal Treaty of Kanghwa with Korea (See 1876, Feb. 26). It recognized Korea as independent of China and granted Japan extraterritorial and commercial privileges. | 3 |
Aug |
Compulsory commutation of the pensions that had been granted the samurai class, which were a heavy financial burden, was enacted. A prohibition on the wearing of two swords signified the end of the samurai class as a separate group. This elicited resentment in many quarters and led to several disturbances. | 4 |